Roderick School Blog

Thanks for visiting the Roderick Elementary School Blog! Blogging is a great way to share some of the exciting things happening in our school with families and the greater school community. The Blog will be updated weekly with pictures and news from the school. Come back and visit often!

Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014 - Week 9

Hello Roderick Families,

It was a very busy week of learning mixed in with a little bit of fun at the Roderick School! Please remember that there is no school on Tuesday, November 4th due to a teacher professional development day.

The students enjoyed visiting the fall Scholastic Book Fair throughout the week. A big THANKS to Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Munn, Mrs. King, Mrs. Leveroni, Mrs. Canavan, and the many other parent volunteers who helped to make the fall Book Fair a great success.

Also, we would like to thank Roche Brothers of Millis for donating paper bags and a $100.00 gift card.  We greatly appreciate their generosity!  

As a reminder, Grade 4 and 5 students are invited to a Hoedown on Monday, November 3rd at 7:00 PM in the Roderick School.  It is going to be a great night!

Positive Referrals!!!
These students received a Positive Referral this week for demonstrating great work ethic.  Keep up the good work!

We had a great time admiring Grade 4's creative pumpkins on Friday!

Beginning on Monday, November 3rd, the Wrentham Public Schools will be collecting canned goods and non perishables, for the Wrentham food pantry.  Collections will take place throughout the week ending on Friday, November 7th.  In addition, students are encouraged to participate in Express Yourself Day.  Students are encouraged to wear something that expresses what they are or what they like i.e. sports outfit, favorite animal.  Please consider participating in this special event.

On a visit to Mrs. Coleman's Grade 4 classroom students had the opportunity to solve word problems using visual fraction models and equations.  They did a great job!  


 On Friday, November 14th we will be hosting our first Principals’ Coffee of the year.  During this time, we will go over the recently released MCAS data and preview the upcoming parent/teacher conferences. This Principals’ Coffee will be held on Friday, November 14th at 8:30 AM in the Vogel Auditorium.  Please note that if you are stuck for child care, please feel free to bring your little ones.  We hope that you will be able to stop in after you drop off your child(ren) on this day.  Food service director, Mrs. Judy White Orlando and her staff will be providing refreshments for this presentation.

Mrs. Clutterbuck's fifth grade class and Mrs Kane's fifth grade class visited the WEST Science lab this week.  Their focus: weathering and erosion.  

Check out these AMAZING globe pumpkins from Mrs. Moon's class!

Please join director Joshua O. Wolloff and the
King Philip Marching Band for a free performance of
“On The Town” and wish them well on their trip to the
US Bands Nationals at Met Life Stadium.
Admission is free and refreshments will be provided by the

King Philip Music Association

Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 6pm
King Philip Regional High School
201 Franklin Street, Wrentham

Happy Halloween from all of us at the Roderick School!  
May the FORCE be with YOU!

As always, thanks for taking time to read the Roderick School Blog!  Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to set your clocks back on Saturday night.  

Warm regards,
Stephen S. Grenham

Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014 - Week 8

Happy Friday!

As another week comes to a close, I'm happy to share some of the great things happening at the Roderick. Please take a moment to read about both past and upcoming events and enjoy a few highlights from the week.

                                               PTO News

Our fall book fair is next week.  This year the book fair will be October 28th - October 30th.  The book fair hours will be 8:30 - 2:30 on all three days.  There will be 'Banquet Hours' {6:00 PM - 8:00 PM} on Tuesday, October 28th.   

Grandparents'/Special Person's Day

Thank you to all of the Grandparents and Special People who were able to visit with us on Wednesday. What an amazing turnout!  It was a pleasure meeting everyone and seeing them interact with the children.  I would like to offer a special thank you to the PTO board and volunteers who helped to provide our guests with name tags and get everyone to the classrooms.  I would also like to thank Mrs. Judy White and our food service staff for the delicious coffee and goodies and for hosting our guests while they waiting to visit the classes.  Lastly, thank you to our bus drivers for transporting everyone and for Lake Pearl for their generous hospitality. 

Please be reminded that there are no vehicles permitted in the bus circle during arrival and dismissal times.  These times include 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM and 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 

Grades 4 & 5 Hoedown

When: Monday, November 3rd

Where: Roderick Cafeteria

Cost: $5.00 per family 

Any questions please contact

Destination Imagination Update and Reminder!

Teams for this year's DI season are still forming.  The deadline is next week, Friday, October 31.  It's not too late to get involved!  There is a team of 3rd graders looking for more students.  This is a mixed gender team, with a seasoned Team Manager and a new to DI assistant.  They will need strong parental support.  There is also a 4th grader and 5th grader looking to join teams.  Adult volunteers are needed for team managers.  Teams are capped at seven students, please let Mrs. DeVore know if you have an interest in joining DI.  Please visit the Destination Imagination website for more information on the DI program, or contact Linda DeVore directly for more information on Wrentham's program.  Email: Phone: 508-789-4493.

Halloween is fast approaching.  Hopefully, the weather will cooperate next Friday and the kids will have an awesome night.  Please take a moment and check out this website which includes some very important tips on Halloween safety.  I wanted to share it with all of you.  Happy Halloween!

Mark Your Calendars...

October 28th - 30th:  PTO Book Fair
November 3: PTO Grade 4 & 5 Hoedown
November 4th - No School - Professional Development Day
November 7th:  Spirit Day - Food Pantry
November 11th:  No School - Veterans' Day

Thank you so much for reading.
Have a great weekend!

Stephen S. Grenham, Principal 

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014 - Week 7

Dear Roderick Families,

Even though it was a short week, we had lots of exciting things happening in the Roderick! Please enjoy this week's blog and be sure to check out the "Mark Your Calendar" section at the bottom for upcoming dates and reminders.

Our classroom teachers and Special Education staff spent time on Tuesday being training in
Fountas and Pinnell.  Fountas and Pinnell is a comprehensive system for one-on-one assessment reliably and systematically matches students' instructional and independent reading abilities to the appropriate text level.  Classroom teachers spent some of this week and will spend more time next week assessing the students in their class.  

Positive Referrals!!!
These students received a Positive Referral this week for demonstrating outstanding behavior.  Keep up the good work!

And the winner is.....Thomas!  Thomas and Tyler squared off for the final round of the Fraction Satisfaction tournament in Mrs. Thorton's and Mrs. Poirier's math classes.  The Fraction Satisfaction game allowed students to practice comparing and ordering fractions in a fun and fast paced game!  

Thank you to all who came out to cheer on the Wrentham Public Schools' staff at the softball game on Wednesday night.  I am happy to report that this fun night raised $2,253.00!  This money will be used to fund Wrentham Teachers' Association scholarships.  A special thanks to all the staff members who participated and to all of the police staff who participated.  Finally, a big thanks to Mrs. Moon for organizing this event, Caroline Aaron for beautifully singing the National Anthem, and Mike McGuire for serving as the announcer for the evening.  Here are some of the sights from the game.

On a visit to Mrs. Kane's fifth grade classroom this week I observed a food experiment that highlighted liquids changing into solids.  Students have been studying sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks.  This activity was informative and fun!

                                               PTO News

  • Our fall book fair is just around the corner.  This year the book fair will be October 28th - October 30th.  The book fair hours will be 8:30 - 2:30 on all three days.  There will be 'Banquet Hours' {6:00 PM - 8:00 PM} on Tuesday, October 28th.   
  • The PTO meeting on Tuesday Oct.21st 7 pm in the new Delaney Teachers Lounge.
  • 4th and 5th grade Hoedown - Monday, November 3rd - drop off is 7:00 PM and pick up is 8:30 PM.  Please forward any question to
  •  We are still looking for volunteers for Special Persons day, Please email us if you can help out.  

Mark Your Calendars...

October 22nd - Grandparents'/Special Person Day
October 24th:  Roderick School Picture Day     
October 28th - 30th:  PTO Book Fair
November 3rd - Grades 4 & 5 Hoedown
November 4th:  No School - Professional Development Day
November 4th - School Council Meeting
November 11th:  No School - Veterans' Day

Thank you for reading.

Have a great weekend!


Stephen S. Grenham, Principal