Roderick School Blog

Thanks for visiting the Roderick Elementary School Blog! Blogging is a great way to share some of the exciting things happening in our school with families and the greater school community. The Blog will be updated weekly with pictures and news from the school. Come back and visit often!

Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014

Hello Roderick Families!

On Thursday some of our students arrived in style.  These students won a Dancing with the Stars raffle and were driven to school by the Wrentham Fire Department. Great stuff!

Thank you to the PTO and all of the volunteers who treated the Wrentham Public Schools' staff to a delicious staff appreciation luncheon today.  It was absolutely delicious and we can't thank you enough for your generosity.

Students in grades 4 - 6 completed the May administration of MCAS this week. Each and every one of them should be commended for the hard work and determination they demonstrated while answering multiple choice, short answer, and open response questions.  Great job boys and girls!

Special thanks to Wrentham resident Mike Ryan who visited Mrs. Curtin's and Mrs. Fownes' class today.  Mr. Ryan spoke to these classes about the court system and the roles that juries play.

Students in Kindergarten to Grade Six will be honoring our veterans and those currently serving our country through songs, poems, and patriotic speeches on Friday, May 23rd. The program will be held outside, in the Delaney School courtyard, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and is expected to last  approximately 30 minutes.  In addition, the Advanced Band will play the Star Spangled Banner.  Upon completion of the program, students will return with their teachers to their classrooms. 

During the Fraction Food Convention, Miss Frizzell’s and Miss Downing’s students explored various fraction concepts, including equivalence and multiplying and dividing fractions, through using delicious TREATS as their manipulatives.  Cookies and Hershey bars became math models, while M&M’s and Skittles demonstrated fraction-decimals! It was one of the yummiest events around!

The last day of school is scheduled for Tuesday, June 24th.  Grade 6 graduation will take place at 12:30 PM on Monday, June 23rd.

Congratulations to this week's Positive Referral recipient.  These students were recognized for being conscience and hard working.  We are very proud of you!

May 22nd - Grade 5 Gym Show
May 23rd - Memorial Day celebration
May 26th - No School - Memorial Day
May 29th - Staff v. Police Basketball Game
May 30th - Principals' Coffee - Budget Update
June 5th - All Bands Concert

Thank you for taking the time to read this week's blog.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Stephen S. Grenham, Principal

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